Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This week in a whole....

Wow it is Tuesday already. Glad for that, but where did my Monday go? I know busy at work. I can't believe how crazy it's been at work here lately. Usually it is quite and slow, but not the last few weeks. It's like if anything would go wrong it did and everything else happens too. But I would rather be crazy busy than slower than a snail. Enough about work.

Let's see what is on the plate this week. Tuesday, girl scout meeting, Wednesday pack for Michigan, Thursday Dr's appt, Friday leave for Michigan. Wow...Plus do nut sales for girl scouts, mileage club for school, reading time for the reading club and I know I probably left some things out too. But Theresa is excited to go to Michigan. We should arrive around 3:30ish (ish because you know there is a outlet mall on the way). Once we get there we will be going to see my grandpa at the cemetery. He died before I was born (before my dad graduated high school). Theresa has never been to the grave yet. It is very seldom we go(because we don't get to Michigan to often, we really like warm weather not cold) but with it being Veterans day today we need to go this weekend, because he was in the Navy. Next off to grandmothers house. She does not know we are coming up on Friday, Surprise. We will be taking her out to eat and meeting my cousin in town. We only get to email each other every now and then (my cousin and I not grandma) so I thought it would be perfect to set up dinner. After that my aunt will be coming over and we will be scrapbooking some. That puts us to Saturday and mom & dad will be coming up. We have a full morning when they get there. They meet and lived in Michigan when they were in school at a place called a VFW home. It so happens it is in the town we will be staying in. I want Theresa to understand where they came from and why they were there. I remember going there when I was her age because I still had a aunt and uncle still living there going to high school we use to go there and visit and play. It is really a awesome place and to understand why it is there is great. Especially with the war today. There are more kids and family staying there when their loved ones are over sees. To check out more on the subject go to http://www.vfwnationalhome.org/index1.shtml. Then we will eat dinner... Taco bar... here we come.

Sunday we will leave and head home. But not without stopping in Turkeyville MI, yes Turkeyville. They have great food and everything is made from you guessed it turkey. Turkey hot dogs, turkey tacos, turkey sandwiches, turkey and mashed potatoes... great food. That will kill some time until the outlet mall opens in Fremont In. Then we will shop alittle, then stop in the Fort and pick up dinner and head home. To do laundry, and develop pictures..


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