Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Took a little break

OK, well I have survived another Thanksgiving and a Black Friday on top of that. Did the usual shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Didn't really have anything in mind to but just wanted to watch all the people. Yes, I am a people watcher. I watched a lady get mad and leave all her stuff a jewelry counter at one store. They (sales associates) had come around 2 or 3 times explaining you have to have some sort of jewelry purchase along with other stuff to check out there. She heard them say that a few times. It must of been to early in the morning for her to figure it out. Then a few minutes later another one came around and said the same thing and she(the lady) got all huffy and sat her stuff down and told them they should tell people that who are in line. I was like are you serious? Did you not hear them the other 3 times. Of course if you know me I made a comment to the fact of "o goody I can move up now, anyone else that don't understand please step out of the line!" I got a few chuckles. I mean if she would of made it to the front and then they tell her that, yeah she would have a right to be nasty. But she heard it a few times.

We had my moms family get together the Saturday after Thanksgiving. That is always a great time. Food, Family, Fun, did I mention Food. We always have so much food. They are great cooks in that family let me tell you. We played some cards, watched some TV, played some more cards.

Got the Christmas tree up and all the presents wrapped except for 2, one was just delivered and the other should be here tomorrow. Made reservations for the water park in Shipshewana for Friday and Saturday after Christmas. That will be a great get away for the family. The place is super nice and clean. I have been to a few water parks(indoor) and some are not that clean people. This one was great and they have so much for kids. A magic show, story time, ice cream parlor, arcade and the list goes on.

I just can't believe how fast this year has gone. Time just slips right by.

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